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Record of Service

I have just completed two years of service to the people of District 75. Because of my availability, I have been able to treat this opportunity as a 'full time job'.

Attendance Record

I am happy to announce that I have achieved my goal of having a perfect attendance record for the past two years. Not only was I in attendance at every House of Representative session but I attended every meeting of every committee to which I was assigned [except one short meeting on the last night of the 2010 session when 3 meetings were scheduled concurrently. I was only able to make it to two of the meetings].

Committee Assignments

During this first term of office, I have had the pleasure of serving on the following House of Representatives committees:
  • House Committee on Judiciary
  • House Committee on Municipal Government
  • House Committee on Separation of Powers
  • House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
  • House Committee on Small Business
  • House Committee on Oversight

Interaction with other Representatives

I served on at least one committee with 48 of the 75 representatives. That allowed me to get to know the other representatives and for them to get to know and respect me.

Another Significant Assignment

I have also been appointed as the Rhode Island Legislative Delegate to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. This has put me in a position to help the local fishing industry including those who operate out of the State Pier at the end of Long Wharf.