Stacy House - French Translator
Ok, here is a test for both your math and language skills. There are 4 sets of French phrases below. They have 8, 8, 8, and 9 entries in each. How many different [4 phrase] sentences do you think that you can make from them.
My answer is at the bottom of the page. Meanwhile, click one button in each section to construct your sentences.
Do you want Do we really have Do you know how
Is it be possible Will I manage

to sleep with to find to eat to buy
to show me to look like to stand to get in

Gerard Depardieu perfume a pair of frog legs
good cheese the Eiffel Tower
a genuine Parisian my wife my pants

in your widest dreams? to cover the smell?
while drinking red wine? without speaking French?
right after breakfast? without being too arrogant?
when my mother-in-law is around?
after eating 300 croissants? ? (nothing)

If I was educated correctly, the answer is 4,608. That is based on 8 * 8 * 8 * 9 = 4,608. This does not include any of the possible 3 phrase sentences. We are still counting all of the samples. We will get back to you.
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